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Using the sms interface

The Snorktracker can receive and send SMS using the GSM module. The SMS function must be activated under Settings and and the correct answer phone number must be entered.

The following commands are implemented: Note: All commands are case insensitive.

Switch On or off

You can switch the system on or off if you send a on or off sms to the sim-card phone number. If the system accepted the command it sends a

**on -> OK** 


**off -> OK** 


Send back the status of the system

You can query the system for the main information if you send status to the Modul phone number. The system should then response with the following result:

Sim808 gsm connected
Voltage: 12.2V
Temperature: 26.5 C
Humidity: 40%
Pressure: 1006 hPa
Altitude: 400 m
Speed: 0 kmph
Satellites: 5,23.7798"

Change the 'Power save mode'

If your system is in deep sleep it could be very tricky to catch the time when the system awakened. It is much easier to send a 'popwer save mode off' via sms to the module. To do that you have to send a psm:off to the system phone number and wait for a successful response

**psm:off -> OK** 

Afterwards you can switch on the power save mode via the web interface or by sending a psm sms.

**psm -> OK** 

Ask for the current gps position

If you want to know the gps position of your system you can send a simple sms with gps. If the gps awake the next time and the gps tracking is active then you will receive a URL with the current gps position as an google request.

This URL can then easily be opened via your browsers in google and if everything works you will see the current location of the module on a Google map,23.7798"

Set some sms parameter

You can change the interval at which the system polls incoming SMS. For this you can send i.e. the following command


This change the interval to 15 seconds. The response should be

sms:15 -> OK

Set some mqtt parameter

If you want to change the mqtt interval for sending data on moving or standing you can use the command sms mqtt:30:60 This sets the interval on moving to 30 seconds and the interval on not moving to 30 seconds. The response should be

mqtt:30:60 -> OK

Change the response phone number

If you want to change the phone number to which the result should go then you can do this with:


Then the new mobile phone number should receive the following result sms.

phone:123456789 -> OK

Or send back the command list

If the system receives an invalid command then it sends back the list of commands:

wrong command
psm[:off] - power saving mode
gps[:15] - check every (sec)
sms[:15] - check every (sec)
mqtt[30:60] - (moving:standing (sec)