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Mqtt.h File Reference
#include <PubSubClient.h>

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Data Structures

class  MyMqtt


#define topic_deep_sleep   "/DeepSleep"
 Deep sleep on/off.
#define topic_voltage   "/Voltage"
 Power supply voltage.
#define topic_mAh   "/mAh"
 Power consumption.
#define topic_mAhLowPower   "/mAhLowPower"
 Power consumption in low power.
#define topic_alive   "/Alive"
 Alive time in sec.
#define topic_rssi   "/RSSI"
 Wifi conection quality.
#define topic_power_on   "/PowerOn"
 switch power on/off
#define topic_gps_enabled   "/GpsEnabled"
 switch gps on/off
#define topic_send_on_move_every   "/SendOnMoveEverySec"
 mqtt send interval on moving
#define topic_send_on_non_move_every   "/SendOnNonMoveEverySec"
 mqtt sending interval on non moving
#define topic_send_every   "/SendEverySec"
 mqtt sending interval
#define topic_temperature   "/BME280/Temperature"
#define topic_humidity   "/BME280/Humidity"
#define topic_pressure   "/BME280/Pressure"
#define topic_signal_quality   "/Gsm/SignalQuality"
 Signal quality.
#define topic_batt_level   "/Gsm/BattLevel"
 Battery level of the gsm modul.
#define topic_batt_volt   "/Gsm/BattVolt"
 Battery volt of the gsm modul.
#define topic_gps   "/Gps"
 Gps longitude, latitude, altitude, moving speed.
#define topic_gps_distance   "/GpsDistance"
 Gps distance to last position.

Detailed Description

Communication with an MQTT server.

Definition in file Mqtt.h.